3.Spring Security SAML 词汇表



Binding-捆绑用于传递SAML消息的机制。绑定分为前通道绑定,使用用户的Web浏览器进行消息传递(例如HTTP-POST或HTTP-Redirect)和反向通道绑定,其中身份提供者和服务提供者直接通信(例如,在Artifact绑定中使用SOAP调用) )。
Identity provider (IDP)-身份提供者(IDP)知道如何验证用户并使用联合协议向服务提供商/中继方提供有关其身份的信息的实体。
Service provider (SP)-服务提供商(SP)您的应用程序与身份提供者进行通信,以获取有关与其交互的用户的信息。诸如认证状态和用户属性之类的用户信息以安全断言的形式提供。
Single Sign-On (SSO)-单点登录(SSO)处理允许访问多个网站而无需重复提供身份验证所需的凭据。各种联合协议(如SAML,WS-Federation,OpenID或OAuth)可用于实现SSO用例。诸如认证手段,用户属性,授权决策或安全令牌之类的信息通常作为单点登录的一部分提供给服务提供商。
Single Logout (SLO)-单点注销(SLO)进程在使用单点登录访问的所有资源上终止经过身份验证的会话。通常使用诸如将用户重定向到每个SSO参与者或发送注销SOAP消息的技术。

AssertionA part of SAML message (an XML document) which provides facts about subject of the assertion (typically about the authenticated user). Assertions can contain information about authentication, associated attributes or authorization decisions.
ArtifactIdentifier which can be used to retrieve a complete SAML message from identity or service provider using a back-channel binding.
BindingMechanism used to deliver SAML message. Bindings are divided to front-channel bindings which use web-browser of the user for message delivery (e.g. HTTP-POST or HTTP-Redirect) and back-channel bindings where identity provider and service provider communicate directly (e.g. using SOAP calls in Artifact binding).
DiscoveryMechanism used to determine which identity provider should be used to authenticate user currently interacting with the service provider.
MetadataDocument describing one or multiple identity and service providers. Metadata typically includes entity identifier, public keys, endpoint URLs, supported bindings and profiles, and other capabilities or requirements. Exchange of metadata between identity and service providers is typically the first step for establishment of federation.
ProfileStandardized combination of protocols, assertions, bindings and processing instructions used to achieve a particular use-case such as single sign-on, single logout, discovery, artifact resolution.
ProtocolDefinition of format (schema) for SAML messages used to achieve particular functionality such as requesting authentication from IDP, performing single logout or requesting attributes from IDP.
Identity provider (IDP)Entity which knows how to authenticate users and provides information about their identity to service providers/relaying parties using federation protocols.
Service provider (SP)Your application which communicates with the identity provider in order to obtain information about the user it interacts with. User information such as authentication state and user attributes is provided in form of security assertions.
Single Sign-On (SSO)Process enabling access to multiple web sites without need to repeatedly present credentials necessary for authentication. Various federation protocols such as SAML, WS-Federation, OpenID or OAuth can be used to achieve SSO use-cases. Information such as means of authentication, user attributes, authorization decisions or security tokens are typically provided to the service provider as part of single sign-on.
Single Logout (SLO)Process terminating authenticated sessions at all resources which were accessed using single sign-on. Techniques such as redirecting user to each of the SSO participants or sending a logout SOAP messages are typically used.
