- 输入层,用于将数据分配到网络,并且不执行任何计算。此层的输出将信号传递到下一层(隐藏层或输出层)的输入;
- 输出层,通常包含一个神经元(某些情况下不止一个),生成整个神经网络的输出。此信号是 EA 将来的控制逻辑的基础;
- 隐藏层,是标准神经元层,将信号从输入层传递到输出层。其输入是上一层的输出,而其输出用作下一层的输入。
输入数据正态化是对所有数据进行正态化,即减少到 [0,1] 或 [-1,1] 范围内的过程。如果未进行正态化,则输入数据将对神经元有额外的影响,导致错误的决策。换言之,您怎么比较具有不同量级的数值呢?
假定我们具有 [0,10] 范围内的 n 个输入数据,则 = 0,
= 10。我们将数据减小到 [0,1] 范围,则
= 0,
= 1。现在,将值插入公式之后,我们可以从 n 个输入数据计算任意 x 的正态值。
以 MQL5 实施时,看起来如下所示:
double d1=0.0;
double d2=1.0;
double x_min=iMA_buf[ArrayMinimum(iMA_buf)];
double x_max=iMA_buf[ArrayMaximum(iMA_buf)];
for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(iMA_buf);i++)
我们首先指定输出值的上限和下限,然后得到指标最大值和最小值(不考虑来自指标的复制数据,但是举例而言,可以有 10 个最后的值)。最后,我们对每一个输入元素(不同柱上的指标值)进行正态化,并将结果存储在一个数组中,供将来使用。
1.单位阶梯函数 或硬阈值函数。
如果加权和小于指定值,则激活函数返回 0。如果加权和大于指定值,则激活函数返回 1。
2.S 形函数。
描述 S 函数的公式如下:
在上一节中,我们已经介绍了激活函数的类型。仍然有另一个重要的事项需要考虑 - 函数的斜率(硬阈值函数除外)。让我们更加仔细地观察 S 形函数。
观察函数的图形,可以轻松地看到函数在 [-5,5] 范围内很光滑。假定我们有一个由具有 10 个输入和 1 个输出的单一神经元构成的网络。现在,让我们尝试计算变量 的上限值和下限值。每一个输入将从 [-1,1] 范围采用一个正态值(如输入数据正态化)所述)。
我们将使用负的输入值,因为函数在负自变量也是可区分的。也从相同的范围选择权重。使用所有可能的输入和权重组合,我们将获得 [-10,10] 范围内的极值 ,如下所示:
在 MQL5 中,该公式如下所示:
for(int n=0; n<10; n++)
现在,我们需要在确定的范围内标绘激活函数。让我们以 S 形函数为例。最简单的方式是使用 Excel。
在这里,我们可以清晰地看到,[-5,5] 范围外的自变量值对结果绝对没有影响。这说明值范围不完整。让我们尝试解决这个问题。我们将向自变量添加一个附加系数 d,这样让我们能够扩展值范围。
让我们再次观察图形。我们添加了一个附加系数 d=0.4,这改变了函数的形状。对表中的值进行比较,表明现在它们分布更均匀。因此,可以如下表示结果:
for(int n=0; n<10; n++)
现在,让我们回顾一下双曲正切 激活函数。跳过在回顾上一个函数时介绍的理论,我们立即进行实践应用。在这里,唯一的区别在于输出可在 [-1,1] 的范围内。加权和也可在 [-10,10] 的范围内取值。
图形表明,由于使用了附加系数 d=0.2,函数的形状得到改善。因此,可以如下表示结果:
for(int n=0;n<10;n++)
double NET;
double x[3];
double w[3];
int OnInit()
x[0]=0.1; // set the input value х1
x[1]=0.8; // set the input value х2
x[2]=0.5; // set the input value х3
w[0]=0.5; // set the weight value w1
w[1]=0.6; // set the weight value w2
w[2]=0.3; // set the weight value w3
for(int n=0;n<3;n++)
NET+=x[n]*w[n]; // add the weighted net input values together
第一项任务已经完成 - 我们得到了和。现在轮到激活函数。以下是用于计算在“激活函数”一节中回顾的激活函数的代码。
double Out;
if(NET>=x) Out=1;
else Out=0;
S 形函数
double Out = 1/(1+exp(-NET));
double Out = (exp(NET)-exp(-NET))/(exp(NET)+exp(-NET));
我们将使用在《初学者快速入门或简明指南》一文中提出并介绍的 EA 的稍有改动的版本。因此,举例而言,我们会将移动平均线趋势指标替换为相对强弱指数振荡指标。可以在内置的帮助中找到有关指标参数及其顺序的信息。
//| neuro-example.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link "http://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function |
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh> //include the library for execution of trades
#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> //include the library for obtaining information on positions
//--- weight values
input double w0=0.5;
input double w1=0.5;
input double w2=0.5;
input double w3=0.5;
input double w4=0.5;
input double w5=0.5;
input double w6=0.5;
input double w7=0.5;
input double w8=0.5;
input double w9=0.5;
int iRSI_handle; // variable for storing the indicator handle
double iRSI_buf[]; // dynamic array for storing indicator values
double inputs[10]; // array for storing inputs
double weight[10]; // array for storing weights
double out; // variable for storing the output of the neuron
string my_symbol; // variable for storing the symbol
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES my_timeframe; // variable for storing the time frame
double lot_size; // variable for storing the minimum lot size of the transaction to be performed
CTrade m_Trade; // entity for execution of trades
CPositionInfo m_Position; // entity for obtaining information on positions
//| |
int OnInit()
//--- save the current chart symbol for further operation of the EA on this very symbol
//--- save the current time frame of the chart for further operation of the EA on this very time frame
//--- save the minimum lot of the transaction to be performed
//--- apply the indicator and get its handle
//--- check the availability of the indicator handle
//--- no handle obtained, print the error message into the log file, complete handling the error
Print("Failed to get the indicator handle");
//--- add the indicator to the price chart
//--- set the iRSI_buf array indexing as time series
//--- place weights into the array
//--- return 0, initialization complete
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- delete the indicator handle and deallocate the memory space it occupies
//--- free the iRSI_buf dynamic array of data
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
//--- variable for storing the results of working with the indicator buffer
int err1=0;
//--- copy data from the indicator array to the iRSI_buf dynamic array for further work with them
//--- in case of errors, print the relevant error message into the log file and exit the function
Print("Failed to copy data from the indicator buffer");
double d1=0.0; //lower limit of the normalization range
double d2=1.0; //upper limit of the normalization range
double x_min=iRSI_buf[ArrayMinimum(iRSI_buf)]; //minimum value over the range
double x_max=iRSI_buf[ArrayMaximum(iRSI_buf)]; //maximum value over the range
//--- In the loop, fill in the array of inputs with the pre-normalized indicator values
for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(inputs);i++)
//--- store the neuron calculation result in the out variable
//--- if the output value of the neuron is less than 0.5
//--- if the position for this symbol already exists
//--- and this is a Sell position, then close it
if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);
//--- or else, if this is a Buy position, then exit
if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) return;
//--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
//--- if the output value of the neuron is equal to or greater than 0.5
//--- if the position for this symbol already exists
//--- and this is a Buy position, then close it
if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol);
//--- or else, if this is a Sell position, then exit
if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) return;
//--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it
//| Neuron calculation function |
double CalculateNeuron(double &x[],double &w[])
//--- variable for storing the weighted sum of inputs
double NET=0.0;
//--- Using a loop we obtain the weighted sum of inputs based on the number of inputs
for(int n=0;n<ArraySize(x);n++)
//--- multiply the weighted sum of inputs by the additional coefficient
//--- send the weighted sum of inputs to the activation function and return its value
//| Activation function |
double ActivateNeuron(double x)
//--- variable for storing the activation function results
double Out;
//--- sigmoid
//--- return the activation function value
图 7. 设置了所需参数的策略测试程序
- Date(日期) - 具体而言从一年的开头开始。周期越长,曲线拟合出现得就越少,结果也越好。
- Execution(执行) - normal(常规),Opening prices only(仅开盘价)。在 Every tick(每一价格变动)模式中测试没有意义,因为了除了当前值以外,EA 仅采用指标的最后 10 个值。
- Optimization(优化)可设置为使用慢速完整算法运行。然而,基因优化将提供更快的结果,这种优化在评估某个算法时特别有用。如果结果令人满意,也可以使用慢速完整算法以获得更加精确的结果。
- Forward(前进) 1/2 及更多让您能够评估您的 EA 在下一次优化之前要用多才时间才能生成获得的结果。
- Time frame(时间框架)和 Currency pair(货币对)可以依据您的需要设置。
图 8. 设置要优化的参数及它们的相应范围
优化将依据所有权重及它们的范围进行。返回到 Settings(设置)选项卡,然后单击 Start(开始)按钮即可开始优化。
图 9. 在优化之后得到的数据
在优化完成后,我们在 Optimization Results(优化结果)选项卡中选择具有最大盈利值的轮次(要按其中一个参数排序,单击相应的列标题)。然后,您可以评估其他参数并在必要时选择需要的轮次。
双击需要的轮次会开始测试显示在 Results(结果)和 Graph(图形)选项卡中的结果。
图 10. 测试报告
图 11. 余额图
图 12. EA 的交易性能
现在,让我们尝试将一个依据标准逻辑的 EA 与一个神经网络驱动的 EA 进行比较。我们将比较随客户端提供的 MACD 示例 EA 和基于 MACD 的神经网络驱动 EA 的优化与测试结果。
在优化中不涉及 Take Profit(获利)和 Trailing Stop(跟踪止损)值,因为在神经网络驱动 EA 中不存在这两项。我们要测试的两个 EA 都以具有以下参数的 MACD 为基础:
- 快速移动平均线周期: 12;
- 慢速移动平均线周期: 26;
- 差异平均周期: 9;
- 价格类型:收盘价。
您还可以设置需要的货币对和时间框架,但是在我们的例子中,我们将保持它们不变 - 分别为 EURUSD、H1。两个例子中的测试周期是相同的:从一年的开头开始,使用开盘价。
MACD 示例 | MACD 神经网络示例 |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
现在,让我们比较所测试 EA 的关键参数:
参数 | MACD 示例 | MACD 神经网络示例 |
总净利润 | 733,56 | 2 658,29 |
余额亏损绝对值 | 0,00 | 534,36 |
市值亏损最大值 | 339,50 (3,29%) | 625,36 (6,23%) |
盈利系数 | 4,72 | 1,55 |
回收系数 | 2,16 | 4,25 |
预计获利 | 30,57 | 8,08 |
夏普比率 | 0,79 | 0,15 |
总交易次数 | 24 | 329 |
总成交次数 | 48 | 658 |
盈利交易次数(总交易次数的%) | 21 (87,50%) | 187 (56,84%) |
平均获利交易 | 44,33 | 39,95 |
平均连续盈利次数 | 5 | 2 |
图 13. 关键参数的比较
本文介绍了使用神经网络设计 EA 时需要知道的要点。它向我们说明了神经元和神经网络架构的结构,概要介绍了激活函数以及改变激活函数形状的方法,还说明了优化和输入数据正态化的过程。此外,我们将一个依据标准逻辑的 EA 与一个神经网络驱动的 EA 进行了比较。
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| neuro-example.mq5 |//| Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |//| http://www.mql5.com |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."#property link "http://www.mql5.com"#property version "1.00"//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert initialization function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+#include <Trade\Trade.mqh> //include the library for execution of trades#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> //include the library for obtaining information on positions
//--- weight valuesinput double w0=0.5;input double w1=0.5;input double w2=0.5;input double w3=0.5;input double w4=0.5;input double w5=0.5;input double w6=0.5;input double w7=0.5;input double w8=0.5;input double w9=0.5;
int iRSI_handle; // variable for storing the indicator handledouble iRSI_buf[]; // dynamic array for storing indicator values
double inputs[10]; // array for storing inputsdouble weight[10]; // array for storing weights
double out; // variable for storing the output of the neuron
string my_symbol; // variable for storing the symbolENUM_TIMEFRAMES my_timeframe; // variable for storing the time framedouble lot_size; // variable for storing the minimum lot size of the transaction to be performed
CTrade m_Trade; // entity for execution of tradesCPositionInfo m_Position; // entity for obtaining information on positions//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+int OnInit() {//--- save the current chart symbol for further operation of the EA on this very symbol my_symbol=Symbol();//--- save the current time frame of the chart for further operation of the EA on this very time frame my_timeframe=PERIOD_CURRENT;//--- save the minimum lot of the transaction to be performed lot_size=SymbolInfoDouble(my_symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);//--- apply the indicator and get its handle iRSI_handle=iRSI(my_symbol,my_timeframe,14,PRICE_CLOSE);//--- check the availability of the indicator handle if(iRSI_handle==INVALID_HANDLE) {
//--- no handle obtained, print the error message into the log file, complete handling the error Print("Failed to get the indicator handle"); return(-1); }//--- add the indicator to the price chart ChartIndicatorAdd(ChartID(),0,iRSI_handle);//--- set the iRSI_buf array indexing as time series ArraySetAsSeries(iRSI_buf,true);//--- place weights into the array weight[0]=w0; weight[1]=w1; weight[2]=w2; weight[3]=w3; weight[4]=w4; weight[5]=w5; weight[6]=w6; weight[7]=w7; weight[8]=w8; weight[9]=w9;//--- return 0, initialization complete return(0); }//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert deinitialization function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+void OnDeinit(const int reason) {//--- delete the indicator handle and deallocate the memory space it occupies IndicatorRelease(iRSI_handle);//--- free the iRSI_buf dynamic array of data ArrayFree(iRSI_buf); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert tick function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+void OnTick() {//--- variable for storing the results of working with the indicator buffer int err1=0;//--- copy data from the indicator array to the iRSI_buf dynamic array for further work with them err1=CopyBuffer(iRSI_handle,0,1,10,iRSI_buf);//--- in case of errors, print the relevant error message into the log file and exit the function if(err1<0) { Print("Failed to copy data from the indicator buffer"); return; }//--- double d1=0.0; //lower limit of the normalization range double d2=1.0; //upper limit of the normalization range double x_min=iRSI_buf[ArrayMinimum(iRSI_buf)]; //minimum value over the range double x_max=iRSI_buf[ArrayMaximum(iRSI_buf)]; //maximum value over the range
//--- In the loop, fill in the array of inputs with the pre-normalized indicator values for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(inputs);i++) {
inputs[i]=(((iRSI_buf[i]-x_min)*(d2-d1))/(x_max-x_min))+d1; }
//--- store the neuron calculation result in the out variable out=CalculateNeuron(inputs,weight);//--- if the output value of the neuron is less than 0.5 if(out<0.5) { //--- if the position for this symbol already exists if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol)) {
//--- and this is a Sell position, then close it if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol); //--- or else, if this is a Buy position, then exit if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) return; } //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it m_Trade.Buy(lot_size,my_symbol); }
//--- if the output value of the neuron is equal to or greater than 0.5 if(out>=0.5) { //--- if the position for this symbol already exists if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol)) {
//--- and this is a Buy position, then close it if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol); //--- or else, if this is a Sell position, then exit if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) return; } //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it m_Trade.Sell(lot_size,my_symbol); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Neuron calculation function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+double CalculateNeuron(double &x[],double &w[]) {//--- variable for storing the weighted sum of inputs double NET=0.0;//--- Using a loop we obtain the weighted sum of inputs based on the number of inputs for(int n=0;n<ArraySize(x);n++) {
NET+=x[n]*w[n]; }
//--- multiply the weighted sum of inputs by the additional coefficient NET*=0.4;//--- send the weighted sum of inputs to the activation function and return its value return(ActivateNeuron(NET)); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Activation function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+double ActivateNeuron(double x) {//--- variable for storing the activation function results double Out;//--- sigmoid Out=1/(1+exp(-x));//--- return the activation function value return(Out); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| macd-neuro-example.mq5 |//| Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |//| http://www.mql5.com |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+#property copyright "Copyright 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp."#property link "http://www.mql5.com"#property version "1.00"//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert initialization function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+#include <Trade\Trade.mqh> //include the library for execution of trades#include <Trade\PositionInfo.mqh> //include the library for obtaining information on positions//--- weight values input double w0=0.5;input double w1=0.5;input double w2=0.5;input double w3=0.5;input double w4=0.5;input double w5=0.5;input double w6=0.5;input double w7=0.5;input double w8=0.5;input double w9=0.5;input double w10=0.5;input double w11=0.5;input double w12=0.5;input double w13=0.5;input double w14=0.5;input double w15=0.5;input double w16=0.5;input double w17=0.5;input double w18=0.5;input double w19=0.5;
int iMACD_handle; // variable for storing the indicator handledouble iMACD_mainbuf[]; // dynamic array for storing indicator valuesdouble iMACD_signalbuf[]; // dynamic array for storing indicator values
double inputs[20]; // array for storing inputsdouble weight[20]; // array for storing weights
string my_symbol; // variable for storing the symbolENUM_TIMEFRAMES my_timeframe; // variable for storing the time framedouble lot_size; // variable for storing the minimum lot size of the transaction to be performed
double out; // variable for storing the output neuron value
CTrade m_Trade; // entity for execution of tradesCPositionInfo m_Position; // entity for obtaining information on positions//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+int OnInit() {//--- save the current chart symbol for further operation of the EA on this very symbol my_symbol=Symbol();//--- save the current time frame of the chart for further operation of the EA on this very time frame my_timeframe=PERIOD_CURRENT;//--- save the minimum lot of the transaction to be performed lot_size=SymbolInfoDouble(my_symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);//--- apply the indicator and get its handle iMACD_handle=iMACD(my_symbol,my_timeframe,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE);//--- check the availability of the indicator handle if(iMACD_handle==INVALID_HANDLE) {
//--- no handle obtained, print the error message into the log file, complete handling the error Print("Failed to get the indicator handle"); return(-1); }//--- add the indicator to the price chart ChartIndicatorAdd(ChartID(),0,iMACD_handle);//--- set the iMACD_mainbuf array indexing as time series ArraySetAsSeries(iMACD_mainbuf,true);//--- set the iMACD_signalbuf array indexing as time series ArraySetAsSeries(iMACD_signalbuf,true);//--- place weights into the array weight[0]=w0; weight[1]=w1; weight[2]=w2; weight[3]=w3; weight[4]=w4; weight[5]=w5; weight[6]=w6; weight[7]=w7; weight[8]=w8; weight[9]=w9; weight[10]=w10; weight[11]=w11; weight[12]=w12; weight[13]=w13; weight[14]=w14; weight[15]=w15; weight[16]=w16; weight[17]=w17; weight[18]=w18; weight[19]=w19;//--- return 0, initialization complete return(0); }//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert deinitialization function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+void OnDeinit(const int reason) {//--- delete the indicator handle and deallocate the memory space it occupies IndicatorRelease(iMACD_handle);//--- free the iMACD_mainbuf dynamic array of data ArrayFree(iMACD_mainbuf);//--- free the iMACD_signalbuf dynamic array of data ArrayFree(iMACD_signalbuf); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Expert tick function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+void OnTick() { int err1=0; // variable for storing the results of working with the main buffer of the MACD indicator int err2=0; // variable for storing the results of working with the signal buffer of the MACD indicator
//--- copy data from the indicator array to the iMACD_mainbuf dynamic array for further work with them err1=CopyBuffer(iMACD_handle,0,2,ArraySize(inputs)/2,iMACD_mainbuf);//--- copy data from the indicator array to the iMACD_signalbuf dynamic array for further work with them err2=CopyBuffer(iMACD_handle,1,2,ArraySize(inputs)/2,iMACD_signalbuf);//--- in case of errors, print the relevant error message into the log file and exit the function if(err1<0 || err2<0) { Print("Failed to copy data from the indicator buffer"); return; }
double d1=-1.0; //lower limit of the normalization range double d2=1.0; //upper limit of the normalization range//--- minimum value over the range double x_min=MathMin(iMACD_mainbuf[ArrayMinimum(iMACD_mainbuf)],iMACD_signalbuf[ArrayMinimum(iMACD_signalbuf)]);//--- maximum value over the range double x_max=MathMax(iMACD_mainbuf[ArrayMaximum(iMACD_mainbuf)],iMACD_signalbuf[ArrayMaximum(iMACD_signalbuf)]);//--- In the loop, fill in the array of inputs with the pre-normalized indicator values for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(inputs)/2;i++) { inputs[i*2]=(((iMACD_mainbuf[i]-x_min)*(d2-d1))/(x_max-x_min))+d1; inputs[i*2+1]=(((iMACD_signalbuf[i]-x_min)*(d2-d1))/(x_max-x_min))+d1; }
//--- store the neuron calculation result in the out variable out=CalculateNeuron(inputs,weight);//--- if the output value of the neuron is less than 0 if(out<0) { //--- if the position for this symbol already exists if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol)) {
//--- and this is a Sell position, then close it if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol); //--- or else, if this is a Buy position, then exit if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) return; } //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it m_Trade.Buy(lot_size,my_symbol); }
//--- if the output value of the neuron is equal to or greater than 0 if(out>=0) { //--- if the position for this symbol already exists if(m_Position.Select(my_symbol)) {
//--- and this is a Buy position, then close it if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_BUY) m_Trade.PositionClose(my_symbol); //--- or else, if this is a Sell position, then exit if(m_Position.PositionType()==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) return; } //--- if we got here, it means there is no position; then we open it m_Trade.Sell(lot_size,my_symbol); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Neuron calculation function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+double CalculateNeuron(double &x[],double &w[]) {//--- variable for storing the weighted sum of inputs double NET=0.0;//--- Using a loop we obtain the weighted sum of inputs based on the number of inputs for(int n=0;n<ArraySize(x);n++) {
NET+=x[n]*w[n]; }
//--- multiply the weighted sum of inputs by the additional coefficient NET*=0.1;//--- send the weighted sum of inputs to the activation function and return its value return(ActivateNeuron(NET)); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//| Activation function |//+------------------------------------------------------------------+double ActivateNeuron(double x) {//--- variable for storing the activation function results double Out;//--- hyperbolic tangent function Out=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x));//--- return the activation function value return(Out); }
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/497